FrenchKit Conference: Day 2 Highlights

Yesterday, I shared my highlights on FrenchKit Conference 2019, Day 1. Today, I will talk about FrenchKit Day 2. Swift Superpowers Swift Superpowers were three lightning talks presented by David Bonnet, mostly focused on server-side Swift, and spread out during the day. He covered the following topics: Vapor 3 code examples Networking example with SwiftNIO… Continue reading FrenchKit Conference: Day 2 Highlights

FrenchKit Conference: Day 1 Highlights

FrenchKit is an iOS and macOS developer conference held in Paris. The fourth edition took place on October 7-8, 2019. I was attending this conference for the first time and really enjoyed the gathering. The conference is well organised, with a lot of excellent speakers. There is a true good vibe coming from the FrenchKit… Continue reading FrenchKit Conference: Day 1 Highlights

SeaBeyond 2014 Summary

We had a great SeaBeyond conference in past December. It was really great to meet our users, who are developers building innovative products on top of our technologies.

XMPP-based Push Solutions: P1PP, for ProcessOne Push Platform

Last week during our webinar on XMPP-based Push Solutions we introduced ProcessOne Push Platform. At ProcessOne, we have been building large scale push platform for many years, pushing hundreds to thousands of messages per second to users or devices, which globally makes tens of billions. Based on this experience, we have announced the launch in December… Continue reading XMPP-based Push Solutions: P1PP, for ProcessOne Push Platform

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