Using a local development trusted CA on MacOS

TLS certificates are so ubiquitous that you now very often need them even during the development phase. Developers are thus used to create “self-signed” certificates and configure their client requiring TLS support to accept self-signed certificates. This can be fine for development: As both the client and the server are on the same computer, the… Continue reading Using a local development trusted CA on MacOS

Elixir Paris Meetup: July 5, 2016

Elixir Paris Meetup will happen on July 5th in downtown Paris, at Remix Coworking. The programme includes the following talks (in French): Lessons learned by rewriting a SaaS application in RubyOnRails in Elixir (Thibaut Barrère) Sidekiq and Exq (Bryan Frimin) Phoenix Presence: Phoenix 1.2 realtime service (Mickaël Rémond) You can register to attend on Paris.ex… Continue reading Elixir Paris Meetup: July 5, 2016

Embedding ejabberd into an Elixir Phoenix Web application

By combining Elixir powerful web framework with ejabberd realtime messaging platform, you can build extremely powerful applications. This tutorial will help you get started. Here is the screencast showing the whole process. Please read further for detailed step-by-step description and code. Create a Phoenix application The first step is to create your Phoenix application as… Continue reading Embedding ejabberd into an Elixir Phoenix Web application

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