ejabberd PubSub features
The ejabberd XMPP server offers a very rich PubSub module (mod_pubsub), enabling a wide range of publish and subscribe applications. PubSub is the type of feature used by WordPress to publish updates on blog in near realtime and is a key component of the real time web.
The ejabberd XMPP server offers a very rich PubSub module (mod_pubsub), enabling a wide range of publish and subscribe applications. PubSub is the type of feature used by WordPress to publish updates on blog in near realtime and is a key component of the real time web.
ejabberd has received a lot of improvements in the PubSub module during the version 2.1.0 development process.
First, ejabberd’s PubSub module underwent a partial rewrite to enable optimizations in terms of I/O (input and output) resulting in a lot performance improvements. The PubSub module also now supports ODBC, which enables storage of large volumes of data.
Regarding the performance, this PubSub implementation has been deployed in production on several huge and high profile events distribution platform. We will publish more informations on those use cases soon.
As you can see, although mod_pubsub does not yet cover 100 % of the related specifications (XEP-0060 and XEP-0248), it is quite complete. Many thanks go to Brian Cully, who worked hard to contribute to this module and helped Christophe Romain, lead PubSub developer at ProcessOne.
Here is a summary of the PubSub features that are now implemented in ejabberd:

Feel free to download and test our latest ejabberd 2.1 RC1, your feedback is encouraged and will be welcome.