Elixir Programming Language Popularity is Growing

One of the nice gems (pun intended) found in
The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2016, is the recent growth of Elixir popularity:

Elixir: The Erlang-friendly language made a notable jump this time around. The last quarter we surveyed languages, Elixir placed at #60. As of this January, it had jumped to #54. While we caution against reading too much into specific numerical differences, the more so the further down the list one goes, this change is notable as it suggests that the language – a darling amongst some language aficionados – is finally seeing some of the growth ourselves and others have expected from it. Interestingly, Erlang did not benefit from this bounce, as it slid back to #26 after moving up to #25 last quarter.

I bet this is linked to Phoenix hitting version 1.0 and the resulting impact it had on Web development for scalable websites.

Anyway, it is nice to see that Programming Language getting traction. Congrats to the Elixir team !

You can read the whole blog post from Redmonk here:
The RedMonk Programming Language Rankings: January 2016

Let us know what you think 💬

One thought on “Elixir Programming Language Popularity is Growing

  1. Thank you so much for being transparent.
    The Elixir language is quite new, its community and the number of libraries and tools available for its developers are still fewer in number than those of other popular programming languages. But Elixir will catch up with them, more time is needed.

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