Introducing the Upik app for iPhone and iPod Touch
We’ve created a new personalized push inbox for your iPhone and iPod Touch. We’ve understood that people want today is real time news.

Right after we powered on our smartphone, we are immediately connected. We are calling that, to be instant-on. From waking up, taking a bus, waiting in line, eating for lunch, having a meeting and going to sleep. We are always at a fingertip of a breaking news, an important email, an amazing post or even an incredible tweet. And we do not want to miss them. But we just want to be alerted personally in a simple manner so we can interact right after, by sharing, calling, posting, tweeting, whatever it is but reacting fast.
With that in mind, we’ve created a new personalized push inbox for your iPhone and iPod Touch. We’ve understood that people want today is real time news. That’s why we’ve combined personalization with smartphone and identity with push capability into one single inbox so we can solve the paradigm of living news in real time. (You pick it) | = Personalized (source selection) |
+ Push (Instant On) | |
+ Inboxes (Aggregated easy-to-read views) | |
+ Identified (You only) | |
+ Multi-device (Your 360° mobile environment) |
So to summarize, it’s all about your news coming at you, using the notification capabilities of your iPhone or iPod Touch.
We’ve designed Upik to be easy to use, fast and remarkably efficient for everyone who is testing it for the very first time. There is still a lot to do to improve the overall experience. But bear in mind that we are fully committed to shaping a new smart content delivery to help you reduce your information overload.
- Easy to use
- Fast
- Efficient
Easy to use
We’ve added an inbox and a catalog so you can perform actions on your notifications
- Get alerted to all your notifications with push capabilities
- Scroll down your notifications just by sliding in your inbox
- Add sources using the Upik catalog to stay in contact with all the sources you love
- Custom your experience adding sounds per source or setup silent hours
![]() Get alerted to new notifications | ![]() Scroll down your inbox |
We’ve understood that you want real time news coming on your iPhone, with no effort and no need to browse the web. That’s why we’ve included time-saving features
- View instantly your notification in a cleaner layout than the web, including photos, videos…
- Mute alerts but receive notifications in your inbox
- Stay in touch with all your social networks and email and display them like a notification
![]() Instant-viewed notification | ![]() All your sources in a split view |
We’ve designed Upik app to help you organize your notification flow so you just use your inbox like a “rubik’s cube” and never miss key notifications
- Navigate and read your sources with different views
- Focus on your important notifications by clicking on the “blue ribbon” to read them later
- Extend the source catalog by adding your custom sources by searching and/or entering the exact feed URL
- Many more smart features are coming soon, stay tuned…
![]() Sorted view by source | ![]() Read your notification later |
We hope the Upik app makes you feel the notification differently and joins the brave new world of push content distribution. It is available in the AppStore today and works on all devices running iOS4.3+.
We are still in private beta so ask for an invitation on launch site:
For more information, check out our support center or contact us at
Enjoy yourselves and give us your feedbacks on social networks. Upik is powered by ProcessOne Push Platform.