My GSoC 2015 project: push for XMPP

The Google Summer of Code is over and this is my attempt to explain what my project was about, what I implemented and what is still to be done. This article is meant to be an introduction to the push topic for people who know some basics about XMPP. If you know that it’s based on a federated client-server architecture, and heard about pubsub and stream management, you will probably be fine. This is the first part of my summary. I’ll elaborate about technical details in another article. In this part there are some references to technical documents though for those who want to dive deeper.

The problem

Most mobile operating systems provide a framework app developers have to use in order to let their apps communicate with the outside. That’s an attempt to save battery by limiting CPU cycles and wireless communication to a minimum. I’ll pick iOS as an example, but all operating systems I looked at follow very similar approaches.

I’ll simplify the situation a little in order to make it clear. An iOS app only runs as long as you look at it. As soon as you switch to another app or turn off the screen the app will be stopped. The OS gives the app the possibility to perform last wish operations though. Once it’s stopped the app can no longer send data or react to incoming data. If the app doesn’t close connections (and it should before it is stopped) those connections are dead and it can take the other side a long time to realize that. The only way for an outside sender to wake up the app and make it responsive again is to send a push notification. Push is a term used by many protocols, but when mobile OS vendors say push they mean a very specific thing: using their proprietary cloud service to send notification packets to users. The mobile OS listens on exactly one connection and will wake up an app when a notification arrives for it. As I said I simplified the situation. There are exceptions to this strict policy. There is background execution on iOS. But in general XMPP apps are not supposed to use that. An app which does not follow this rule might not be allowed into the app store.

XMPP core requires a permanent TCP connection between client and server. If a client closes the connection (or the server realizes the connection is dead) the client is considered offline and the server won’t route packets to it anymore. So mobile XMPP apps cannot receive messages most of the time. This is where XEP-0357 comes into play.

The solution: XEP-0357

XEP-0357 is a standard extension written by Lance Stout which defines a way for XMPP servers to act as a push provider, that is request push notifications at the vendor’s push service if the receiving mobile device has no connection open.

The XEP divides the task of sending push packets into two parts: The XMPP server part and the app server part. The XMPP server’s task is to manage subscriptions of push clients: they can enable/disable push and set some parameters. Requesting push notifications at the vendor’s push service is done by another piece of software which may even run on another machine. It’s called the app server. If an XMPP server receives an XMPP packet for a client that previously enabled push and that client does not have an open TCP connection, the XMPP server sends all the information needed for crafting a push notification to the app server which then crafts and sends a push notification request to the vendor’s push service. To be exact the XEP only specifies the XMPP server part and does not tell what an app server should do (as my project is all about push it’s not hard to guess what my app server implementation does: initiating push notifications, yay!). This indirect approach allows different XMPP servers to use the same app server. Most vendors (that is all except for Ubuntu and Mozilla) even require such a setup. When a push provider wants to send a push notification the vendor’s service asks for authentication credentials. Those credentials are issued by the vendor to the app developer only. Thus all push notifications for a specific app have to be requested by a service the app-developer runs.

One interesting detail which may sound a little complicated at first is how an XMPP server tells an app server to send a push notification: it’s done via Pubsub. There needs to be a pubsub service somewhere where the app server can create nodes and subscribe to them. The XMPP server then publishes the information needed for requesting push notifications at those nodes. It sounds complicated to introduce this extra indirection but on the other hand pubsub is already implemented and (on paper) provides all the features needed for this task. You’ll see in the next chapter that with my ejabberd module it’s possible to run all needed components within one ejabberd instance without much effort.

Let’s look at an example. Our user Alice has an iPhone with an XMPP app called chatninja installed. These are the necessary steps in order to use push:

  1. chatninja registers at the app server run by the developers of chatninja. If Alice had an Ubuntu phone instead she could run her own app server or use that of a friend. In the registration request a token identifying Alice’s iPhone is included. The app server sends back the Jabber ID of a pubsub service, the name of an allocated node on that service and a password.

  2. Chatninja sends an enable request to Alice’s XMPP server including all the information received from the app server (Pubsub JID, node name, password). Optionally it can configure what information shall be included in push notifications. As chatninja is a privacy-aware app, it tells the server to only include the number of new subscription requests and the number of new messages but not the the senders’ Jabber IDs and the message contents.

  3. Alice turns off the screen. Chatninja disconnects from the XMPP server and is stopped by the operating system.

  4. Bob wants to say hello to Alice and sends her a message.

  5. Alice’s XMPP server cannot route Bob’s message directly to her iPhone but instead publishes an item at the pubsub service it was told about. It needs the node name and the password it received earlier for that.

  6. The chatninja app server gets notified about the published item. It crafts a push notification request and sends it to Apple’s push notification service, including the token identifying Alice’s iPhone.

  7. Alice’s iPhone receives the push notification. Chatninja wakes up and connects to the XMPP server to pick up Bob’s message.


In order to understand why I did certain things it’s nice to know my motivation for working on this project. I wanted to provide a missing puzzle piece for seamlessly working instant messaging clients on the different mobile operating systems. As mentioned earlier XEP-0357 only specifies what XMPP servers should do and leaves the app server part to app developers. Lance Stout told me the reason for this: XMPP can be used for many things, not only instant messaging and thus app developers should be able to decide when their apps receive push notifications and when not. That’s not the best foundation for the instant messaging use case because every developer of a messaging app would have to take care of the app server too. That’s why besides the XMPP server part I implemented a generic instant messaging app server as part of mod_push, my ejabberd module. With mod_pubsub and mod_push ejabberd thus can provide an all-in-one solution to the push problem, at least for instant messaging.

As I said earlier Mozilla SimplePush and Ubuntu Push are different than the other services in one aspect. They don’t require per-app authentication. So Ubuntu phone or Firefox OS users can run their own app server. They just need to activate the internal app server in their mod_push configuration. On the other platforms apps have to use an external app server run by the app developer. mod_push allows both setups.

That’s not all. Other XMPP servers like prosody should get invited to the party too. So I started oshiya. Oshiya is an XMPP component which is an app server with the same XMPP interface as mod_push. So clients can choose between ejabberd with mod_push installed or any XMPP server with oshiya connected. Both setups should be compatible. I hope this will help spread push in the XMPP world.

Both mod_push and oshiya will support the same set of push services (for implementation status see the next section). These are:

An important implementation detail is how ejabberd distinguishes between connected and disconnected clients. mod_push uses stream management’s resumption feature for that. Clients are expected to close their connection when they’re about to be stopped. If a client enabled push before, mod_push will initiate push notifications from now on until the client resumes its XMPP stream. Another approach would be to close the XMPP stream completely when the app is stopped. The advantage of my approach is that clients will keep their presence state which is important for MUC rooms for example.

You can find the source code and documentation of both mod_push and oshiya on github.

Up next

Both mod_push and oshiya still require some work. Right now mod_push is the more mature project. It made some modifications of ejabberd necessary which are not yet merged back into master. So running mod_push currently requires my ejabberd branch. Hopefully this will change soon.

oshiya does not support all push services yet (Mozilla SimplePush and WNS are missing). It does not support service discovery yet either. Besides that I will try to build oshiya packages for popular linux distributions soon (help is very welcome) and I’ll write more documentation too.

Last but not least I’ll cooperate with app developers and try and help fixing issues that might come up. I know of some people who are already actively working on mobile XMPP apps supporting push. Of course everyone is invited to try my software and file bug reports.

If you wonder how mobile XMPP’s future will look like you should also have a look at another important project in this year’s GSoC. I’m quite optimistic.

Categorized as XMPP

By Guest Author

Contributor to ProcessOne Blog

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