OneTeam iOS for your organization
Apple has launched its App Store Volume Purchase program, for businesses and educational institutions. It enables you to buy the regular OneTeam for iOS for your employees and students, or a specially customized version for your organization (like out customized version OneTeam for Facebook or OneTeam for Gtalk).
Until now, you could only buy apps for your own iOS devices, one by one. You could also offer apps to your acquaintances at the same rate: one by one. It was very painful for businesses and organizations to purchase apps for their users.
Apple has launched two programs for volume purchase:
- Volume Purchase Program for businesses (USA only)
- Volume Purchase Program for educational institutions
One legitimate member of the organization must enroll as a Program Manager. Then it is possible to buy OneTeam iOS for many of the iOS users in the organization.
The purchased apps are available to users via a redemption code, sent by Apple in the form of a simple spreadsheet, containg codes or URLs. Theses codes and/or URLs can be distributed via email or intranets to the end-users possessing iOS devices. Alternatively apps can be managed by the MDM (Mobile Device Management).
These new programs enable organizations to manage their corporate apps on mobile, almost the same way as desktop or laptop computers.
ProcessOne’s OneTeam for iOS is a general-purpose standard XMPP client, that is available for iPhone and iPod Touch, but also iPad. Coupled with our XMPP hosting services Hosted.IM, you could have a full stack of client and server software, with low management costs.
OneTeam for iOS:

Hosted.IM administration panel for chatrooms:

If you wish a customized version of this mobile software, please contact us at sales at process dash one dot net.