OneTeam XMPP client entering private alpha

Our OneTeam XMPP client for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows is entering a private alpha period.

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OneTeam is a multiplatform XMPP client for Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. We have slowly worked on it during long months (and even years, it is being developed since 2006) but never had enough time and resources to release it properly.

The time to launch OneTeam in the wild and interoperable internet is soon arriving. We believe we have achieved our goal to deliver some real enterprise-class user experience. As a proof, we are using it inhouse on a daily basis as a productivity tool, without any major glitch.

For the record, OneTeam works as a Firefox extension, as well as a standalone application, on the three major platforms, thanks to the XUL technology. OneTeam has a nice dashboard-based interface, and handy user interactions improvements everywhere. This XMPP client supports a wide range of features, including chat and presence of course, but also Multi-User Chat (groupchat), message threading, history browsing, etc. It also features Jingle voice calls, as well as the exclusive Jingle Nodes feature demoed at FOSDEM, that works much like Skype. On the more technical side, there is the XML console, as well as a very interesting remote debugging console.

So, we are now releasing OneTeam, but in alpha quality for now, to the curious ones, and those willing to help and test. Please feel free to contact us, if you want to join the alpha testing, and report issues. Please e-mail nverite at for a OneTeam ride.