ProcessOne at FOSDEM and XMPP Summit

ProcessOne will be present at FOSDEM and XMPP Summit.

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This week-end, we will be joining the XMPP community at Brussels, for the FOSDEM, as well as the XMPP-specific events: XMPP hackfest and XMPP Summit.

  • The FOSDEM, or Free and open source software developers’ european meeting, will be held on Saturday, as well as Sunday, at ULB Campus Solbosch, with myriads of FOSS people for different countries and profiles.
  • Before and after this event, the XMPP community will gather on Friday for the XMPP hackfest, and Monday for the XMPP Summit.

The XMPP hackfest is the place where coders can code and test interop, while the XMPP Summit is more oriented towards specifications improving.

ProcessOne will be there and demo three of our software products:

  • OneTeam, our Firefox extension, providing interesting features
  • OneTeam for iPhone, enabling the always-on XMPP experience to a pocket near you
  • IMGateways, our transports, especially our Twitter gateway, as well as our Google Wave gateway

Feel free to join, as we would like to show you our software, and we would like to have your opinion on these.