Real-time Stack Issue #22

ProcessOne curates two monthly newsletters – tech-focused Real-time Stack and business-focused Real-time Enterprise. Here are the articles concerning tech aspects of real-time development we found interesting in Issue #22. To receive this newsletter straight in your inbox on the day it’s published, subscribe here.

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Fluux MQTT is a MQTT v3.1.1 client library written in Go. Implement support for QOS 1 and 2 (with storage backend interface and default backends).

MQTT v5.0 now an official OASIS standard

OASIS has now published the official MQTT v5.0 standard – a huge leap forward in refinement and capability for the messaging protocol that already powers the Internet of Things (IoT). Based on the earlier v3.1.

CodeCraft #1: Writing tests in Go with HTTPMock

In this new series of videos on programming languages, ProcessOne CEO explains how to record and write HTTP tests in Go, thanks to HTTPMock library. The HTTPMock library is available on Github.

Tutanota replaced Google’s FCM with their own notification system

Tutanota helps to build the web of the future where our right to privacy is being respected. Also, it is now available on F-Droid. In this special post Ivan from Tutanota, tells us the story.

Serverless offline button with Amazon Web Services and Elixir

When going on holidays, putting yourself into the away mode or do not disturb to mute all notification, and setting up an email autoresponder means a lot of clicking. The author picked an AWS IoT Button to create an Offline Button for Slack.


Jackline a secure XMPP client written in OCaml. It uses several clean-slate libraries (OCaml-TLS, OCaml-OTR) and only has a minimal few features: no support for HTML markup, avatars, which music you’re playing, timezone you’re living in, etc.


A system that leverages Ethereum platform for identity, authentication and reputation of IoT devices. Devices are registered in a smart contract via a web interface and send cryptographicly signed messages to a platform that validates them using blockchain.

Dumb Home 2.0

So, you want to bring a little more cyberpunk to your life. The light should lead your way when you’re sneakin’ at night; a coffee machine should start automagically with morning alarm. Smart Нome, Internet of Things or whatever they call teapots with microcontrollers this year.

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