go-xmpp v0.5.0

A new version of the go-xmpp library, which can be used to write XMPP clients or components in Go, has been released. It’s available on GitHub.

xmpp-notifer v1.0.0

We just released a new GitHub Action called xmpp-notifier! It allows sending notifications to XMPP, and uses our go-xmpp library under the hood.

GopherCon 2019 Highlights

I had the chance to attend once more the big main annual Go conference: GopherCon 2019. For the first time this year, location changed from Denver to San Diego. Ocean, mild climate and extraordinary venue for the party (on the USS Midway) contributed to a relax and friendly atmosphere. GopherCon is a social event GopherCon… Continue reading GopherCon 2019 Highlights

Distributing prebuilt Go binaries on Github with Gox

Building command-line tools with Go is quite handy as it allows building standalone static binary. This is quite easy to build ready-to-use binaries for distribution. While working on my Data Portability Kit, I wanted to be able to produce ready-made binaries to make the tools more accessible. Anyone should be able to use the software… Continue reading Distributing prebuilt Go binaries on Github with Gox

Using TLS Authentication for your Go Kafka Client

If you want to access a Kafka server that have enabled TLS, you will need to be able to use certificate to connect from your Sarama / Go client. This article outlines the needed steps to configure it properly. Configuring your Kafka server to support authentication If you are managing your own Kafka service and… Continue reading Using TLS Authentication for your Go Kafka Client

IoT Studio #1: Internet of Things Explained with Video and Slides

Looking for enterprise-grade solutions for Internet of Things? Build your IoT with ProcessOne » Here is the video recording of ProcessOne IoT Studio session #1. At the core of the discussion is an introduction to Internet of Things protocols. Here are the topics / questions that we covered during that session: What are the main… Continue reading IoT Studio #1: Internet of Things Explained with Video and Slides

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