Elixir Paris #5: OTP architecture, Macros and Docker Packaging Docker

Elixir Paris Meetup #5 happened on January 12th. We have gathered a team of faithful and enthusiastic developers, passionate about programming languages. Mickaël Rémond introduced a new project that nicely demonstrates various programming approaches in Elixir. FastTS project (for Fast Time Series) is the result of the discovery of Riemann monitoring tools during Paris.ex meetup… Continue reading Elixir Paris #5: OTP architecture, Macros and Docker Packaging Docker

Building an OTP release for ejabberd with Elixir mix

ejabberd is an ubiquitous Erlang application that is widely available in Linux distributions. For that reason, it needs to rely on the de facto Linux build tools like autotools to make integration very easy for Linux and FreeBSD packagers. However, it does not mean that ejabberd does not play well with the standard Erlang release… Continue reading Building an OTP release for ejabberd with Elixir mix

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