XMPP-based Push Solutions: P1PP, for ProcessOne Push Platform
Last week during our webinar on XMPP-based Push Solutions we introduced ProcessOne Push Platform.
At ProcessOne, we have been building large scale push platform for many years, pushing hundreds to thousands of messages per second to users or devices, which globally makes tens of billions.
Based on this experience, we have announced the launch in December of an XMPP-based Push Solution: P1PP, which stands for ProcessOne Push Platform.
Here are the slides of this presentation:
ProcessOne Push Platform: XMPP-based Push Solutions
View more presentations from ProcessOne
In technical terms, P1 Push Platform is composed of several components:
- An XMPP PubSub infrastructure, proposed as a service (Platform as a Service, or PaaS).
- This platform is accessible through XMPP server-to-server (s2s) connections, where people can manage there nodes and broadcast messages to subscribers.
- The platform is accessible through anonymous client-to-server (c2s) connections for web based realtime delivery platform.
- The platform is completed with XMPP PubSub simplified documentation, for easier understanding of the protocol. This summarizes our vision and experience as “PubSub, the Good Parts”.
- The platform is proposed with a Javascript client library to easily build realtime enhanced web pages (based on XMPP anonymous authentications). The client allow easy login, subscription to PubSub nodes and easy processing of PubSub messages.
For more reading on the topic of XMPP push, I recommand reading:
- Informations on BBC Pushfeeds deployment: LiveText-via-IP upgrade and other synchronously delivered content.
You can also read more technical Under the Hood of the Radio 1 Homepage: the technical low-down - You can check Nokia presentation at SeaBeyond on their XMPP Push platform: Sea Beyond 2011 Talk 7: Jukka Alakontiola on Nokia Push Notifications
If you need to get more precise information on the launch of the platform and have a large scale project that could use it, please, do not hesitate to contact us.