XMPP Radar Newsletter #8

Welcome to the 8th issue of our newsletter. Last month was probably one of the milestones for XMPP and communication systems in general. With IM and IoT on the rise, exciting times are ahead. You can subscribe to the XMPP Radar newsletter and receive it in your inbox at the end of each month. Here are the links we found interesting in February:

The fall… and rise and rise and rise of chat networks

At the end of October 2014, something very important came to an end. After 15 years of changing the way people communicated forever, Microsoft closed down its MSN Windows Live service. Originally named MSN Messenger, its demise was not an overnight failure.

WhatsApp has a billion users, and it got there way quicker than Gmail did

WhatsApp, the messaging platform owned by Facebook, reported it had reached a billion monthly active users, bolstering its position as the world’s most popular messaging app.

Chat service architecture: League of Legends is running ejabberd

Over time, as the number of League of Legends players grew, Riot Games started encountering some trouble: the chat servers began overloading the MySQL master instance. Players were seeing issues when loading their rosters, inviting new friends, or editing player notes. This article explains how they overcame this problem using ejabberd and Riak.

Reflections on the XMPP Summit 2016

Steffen Larsen reports on the latest XMPP Summit: “I’ve been writing most of this in the airplane. I have to because my head is full of ideas and new thoughts are buzzing! Now I finally had the time to write the last bit and parts which was stuck in my brain.”

Saros, a real-time distributed software development via XMPP

What is Saros? Saros is an Eclipse plugin for distributed collaborative software development that can support arbitrarily many participants at once. All members of a session have an identical copy of Eclipse projects and Saros keeps these copies in sync as editing progresses.

ejabberd 16.02 released: Happy Leap Day

To celebrate leap day, we are happy to release ejabberd 16.02, which mark huge leap for ejabberd both in terms of features and improvements. In terms of features, we see in this release the culmination of our work in several areas.

ejabberd and the Google Summer of Code 2016

ejabberd project and developers are involved this year again as mentors in Google Summer of Code 2016 initiative, as members of the BEAM Community. This blog post explains what it could mean for you as a student wanting to contribute to our project.

Let us know what you think 💬

2 thoughts on “XMPP Radar Newsletter #8

  1. Please upgrade your nomenclature to:

    Xmpp Texting

    to help the sheeple escape from sms texting :)

  2. Please install android client “Conversations” and review hosted.im listed feature’s in the client’s “server info”.

    Hosted.im compares POORLY to



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