What’s new in ejabberd Business Edition and ejabberd SaaS in October

We have been adding many improvements to ejabberd Business Edition and are rolling them out for new ejabberd SaaS customers in October.
HTTP file transfer using S3 and Minio
ejabberd Business Edition was previously supporting HTTP file transfer using Amazon AWS S3 backend. We now created and documented the process where our customers can host their files themselves using Minio, an S3 compliant implementation.
If you are an ejabberd SaaS customer, you can keep on using your own Amazon account by providing specific S3 credentials for your own S3 bucket. This allows you to manage your own storage and define your own retention period. This approach is the best way to also be compliant with GDPR, as ejabberd SaaS service is stateless and does not have any way to access the files your users are transferring.
Improvements in mobile MUC and unread inbox support
MucSub is a popular extension to ejabberd Business Edition and ejabberd SaaS. This is a way to support standard MUC chatroom, while providing and extra protocol to interact with it that is mobile-friendly.
The first improvement we made is that your own MAM archive will now archive the MucSub messages. This makes it possible to manage them as “conversations”, like one-to-one messages, when it comes to Message Archive Management.
Once we stored MucSub message in MAM, we had to go further. We also made some improvements to manage your MAM download efficiently, by providing a way to download an unread inbox summary. This packet allows you to get the list of conversations that have unread messages, either MucSub conversations or one-to-one discussions. The client can then download the message archive containing unread messages on-demand. This avoids having to download all your MAM messages at once on connect to display unread counters. This is a huge optimisation and an improvement for mobile users.
Finally, we expanded the range of MUC Admin functions you can perform as an admin without needing to join the room.
Push module improvements
Push can now be fully customised, with all keys being editable and settable through API.
That said, we also improved the standard behaviour. We now support notification grouping on iOS 12. Notifications sent will be automatically grouped per conversation. The user can still opt for a global app grouping in the iOS notification setting for that application.
MySQL 8 support
ejabberd now supports MySQL 8 new authentication mechanism. You can start testing it today.
Send IQ API call
We exposed and documented an API call that allows you to send an IQ using the API, then wait for the response to that IQ and return it as a result of the HTTP call.
Note for ejabberd SaaS existing customers
If you are already an ejabberd SaaS customers, and need access to the new features immediately, please contact ejabberd SaaS support to plan an upgrade with our team.