Sea Beyond 2014: ProcessOne Tech Event for Mobile Realtime

I am very pleased to announce date and venue for our third iteration of our tech event on mobile and realtime. Sea Beyond event will happen on the 4th of december 2014. This year focus is “Real-time Technologies for Push and Chat on Mobile”. As during previous edition, we have split the schedule in two […]

GigaOM releases report on brand engagement through in-app communication

Mobile apps now allow businesses to be more responsive to users than ever before, but this interaction has created new customer expectations. While a mobile app must fulfill its core function, it must also continue a dialog with its users to remain relevant. Doing so requires ongoing, intelligent, targeted outreach to customers and an extension […]

A week at Apple WWDC – early thoughts

I have spent the past week in San Francisco at Apple WWDC (Worldwide Developers Conference). It was the richest and more energetic WWDC I have ever participated in. Apple announced a lot of new features that are going to benefit our XMPP and push platforms for iOS and our mobile software. But, as I still […]

Boxcar Large Scale Developer Push Service Available to All Developers

ProcessOne and Boxcar have been building push services for real-time notifications since the launch of the push feature on iOS. Our core business has been since that time to deploy large scale notification services for carriers, broadcasters, ensuring very high availability, very fast delivery in a cost-effective way. A massive scale push service now available […]

ProcessOne Founder is named as one of 100 Key French Developers

I am very proud to have been named in Tariq Krim report for the government: “Les développeurs, un atout pour la France” (Developers are a key asset for France). Even more that being mentioned in this report, I am happy to see the will to emphasize the importance of software for a country economy. The […]

Google I/O 2013: Services, services, services

Today was the keynote of Google I/O developer conference. The keynote is usually the place where major announcements are made regarding the Google ecosystem. Despite impressive announcements, the most important thing that strikes me is not what has been released, but what has not been mentioned.

Why did ProcessOne acquire Boxcar ?

As founder of ProcessOne, I’ve promoted since 10 years a vision made of real-time messages exchanged at an Internet scale. Together with ProcessOne team, we stayed true to that vision using the best technologies to make that ambition happen. Erlang is a dream environment to build fast and scalable real-time system. XMPP (eXtensible Messaging and […]

For Apple Keynote, Push Mail for just $0.99

Some said “It’s now or never”… Us, we’re just saying now “you’ve got push at an affordable price!” for Apple Keynote scheduled next Tuesday. You would need push email ;) PushMail Alert will be $0.99 for 5 days from today, Friday to Tuesday, Apple Keynote. Then it’ll go up to $1.99 for 3 days from […]

Hosted.IM: Message Archive, Remote Auth and more

Hosting.IM, the leading Cloud-based Instant Messaging service by ProcessOne, has gained strong new enhancements for more control, and has extended its offer for larger companies. Among these new features is the message archive, user management integration with your IT, more control tools and larger plans. Please discover these exciting services below.

Réponse à Jeff Bonforte, directeur produit de Yahoo Messenger

Le journal l’Expansion a publié sous le titre “Chez Google, l’ingénieur est roi; chez Yahoo, c’est l’utilisateur” un article décrivant la position de Yahoo! sur la Messagerie Instantanée. Les protocoles ouverts y sont abordés rapidement, mais en utilisant des éléments erronés, qui peuvent être aisément contredits par les faits.